Lil Lucy's Sweet Treasures

Made to Order. Made with Love.

Make Your Event Sweet!

Welcome to Lil Lucy Sweet Treasures.


My name is Shirley Davis-Williams.  I am the founding owner of Lil Lucy Sweet Treasures.  Lil Lucy Sweet Treasures is a home-based bakery business inspired by my desire to create high quality baked products made with natural ingredients. 


All baked products are made with great attention to detail, design, and prepared in a clean and sterile work environments.  


Each delectable baked product is moist, delicious, tasty, and packaged with love.


The Perfect Birthday

Let Lil Lucy’s sweeten up your day. Make it a birthday to remember! Order your specialized cake today. 

Weddings, Retirement and more...

Weddings, Retirement Party, Baby Showers, you name it and we do our best to compliment your occasion. 

Find the treasure in Lil Lucy's
baked goods!

"Prices are affordable and reasonable. Don't delay.
Your taste buds will forever be changed after you taste a baked treat from
Lil Lucy Sweet Treasures!
Shirley williams

Your tastebuds will thank you!